Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Millions To Few

As I write this, there are millions of things running through my mind. One may ask why then don't you get rid of them by talking to someone about. Sure, I can do that, but there is always a part of me I will not share with others. Not that it's bad, but I just need to keep that part of myself. I'm creating myself and I'm happy the way I'm going write now. I am getting closer to my God, my Savior. He has been teaching me so many things this summer for example:

Being Humble for He has given me the Gift of Music and give Him the glory.

~Honor Him with my body
~Be patient and He will provide
~Learn to be open with your ears more than your mouth
~Accept who you are physically, God made you perfect in His eyes. Be blessed and grateful.

I was thinking how I notice I say i HATE things and actions, but you know what I'm learning that I thought of


well, until I get a little break from classes

love plenty,
maggie(: going on mags(:

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